Adele Carrado IPCMS.PNGDr. –habil. Adele Carradò


IPCMS - Department of Surfaces and Interfaces (DSI)

23, rue du Loess

BP 43




Phone : (33) 3 88 10 7105

Fax : (33) 3 88 10 72 48


E-mail :


Scientific Career


-       Degree and Master in Physics at University of Bologna, 1993-4

-       Diploma thesis in Health and Environmental Physics at Specialization School at University of Bologna, 1997

-       Research Assistant at University of Ancona, 1998

-       European Doctor in Science - Mechanics and Material Science - at University of Reims, 2001

-       Post-doc at Léon Brillouin Laboratory, CEA Saclay, 2002

-       Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) at LM3 at ENSAM, Paris, 2002

-       Maître de Conférences in Physics, Solid State Physics - at ULP Strasbourg, 2003

-       Diploma of Habilitation à diriger les recherches (HDR) at the ULP, 2004

-       Invited Professor at Technische Universität of Clausthal, Germany at Institut für Polymerwerkstoffe und Kunststofftechnik and Institut für Metallurgie, Werkstoffumformung, (3 months 2007 and 2 months 2008)

-       Congés pour recherche et conversion thématique (CRCT) at Technische Universität of Clausthal, 2010


Main research topics


-       Developing, Processing and Characterisation of Sandwich Structures

-       Biomaterials: micro-structural and mechanical study of metal-ceramic bounds

-       Coating elaboration: Pulsed Laser Deposition, Magnetron sputtering, Sol-Gel and Biomimetic/autocatalytic method

-       Neutron and synchrotron evaluation of texture and residual stresses in metallic bulk and multi layer system


Project coordinator


2011-2013: Partenariats Hubert Curien, PHC– IMHOTEP (France-Egypt) Compound coatings of Ca-phosphates and/ Titania on metallic implants (25639NH).


2011-2013 : PHC – PROCOPE (France-Allemagne): Interrelationship between texture and residual stress on copper drawn and cold pilgered precision tubes - TERESCO TUBES (25090RH).


2010-2012: Projets Internationaux de Coopération Scientifique, PICS, Mécanismes interfaciaux dans des matériaux hybrides de type sandwich métal/polymère/métal (France-Allemagne)


2010-2011: Effect of texture and residual stress on copper seamless precision tubes by synchrotron radiation (HASYLAB project I-20100017 EC)


2011-2012: Texture development in drawn and pilgrim rolled precision tubes (HASYLAB project I-20110066 EC)


2009-2011: PHC – IMHOTEP Compound coatings of Ca-phosphates and/ Titania on metallic implants (20729TH).


2008-2010: PHC – PROCOPE Copper alloy - Effect of residual stresses on seamless precision tubes (17833RH).


2008-2010: PHC – PROCOPE Developing, Processing and Characterisation of Sandwich Structures (17895XK).




-        Profs. H. Palkowski, Institut fur Metallurgie, and G. Ziegmann, Institut für Polymerwerkstoffe und Kunststofftechnik (Technische Universität Clausthal), Procope et PICS : hybrids systems (metal/polymer/metal)

-        Prof. H. Palkowski (Université de Clausthal), Dr T. Pirling (ILL, Grenoble) Prof. I. Osika (AGH, Cracovie), Dr. R. Wimpory, (HZ, Berlin), Procope : Neutron diffraction

-        Prof. Heinz-Günter Brokmeier, Institut für Metallkunde und Metallphysik TUC /GKSS-, D: texture by synchrotron radiation

-        Prof. Diego Mantovani (Université de LAVAL, Canada), Dr. V. Stanic (State University of New York) and Prof. W. I. Abdel-Fattah (National Research Center, Le Caire), Imhotep : hydrogel and material biomimetic

-        Dr H. Pelletier et Dr T. Roland (INSA- LGECO) : Alumina thin films and material biomimetic<


Conference organization


-        Member of International Advisory Committee of THERMEC 2011 International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS Quebec City, Canada, August 1-5, 2011,


-        Organizer of Symposium "Non-destructive evaluation of strain-stress in material science" at ICM11  11th International Conference on the Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, June 5-9 2011, Como lake, Italy,


Publications last 4 years


-        H. Pelletier, A. Carradò, J. Faerber, and Ion N. Mihailescu, Microstructure and mechanical characteristics of hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti/TiN/Si substrates synthesized by pulsed laser deposition, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2011, 102, 3, pp. 629–640.

-        O. Sokolova, A. Carradó, H. Palkowski, Adhesion and formability of thin steel/polymer/steel hybrid sandwich composites, Steel Research International 2011.

-        A. Carradò, O. Sokolova, B. Donnio, H. Palkowski Influence of Corona Treatment on Adhesion and Mechanical Properties in Metal/Polymer/Metal Systems, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 120, pp. 3709–3715.

-        A. Carradò, J. Faerber, S. Niemeyer, G. Ziegmann, H. Palkowski, Metal/polymer/metal hybrid systems: Towards potential formability applications, Composite Structures, 2011, 93, pp. 715–721.

-        A. Carradò, H. Pelletier and T. Roland Nanocrystalline Thin Ceramic Films Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Magnetron Sputtering on Metal Substrates for Medical Applications, Biomedical Engineering /Book 4 Edited by: Prof. R. Fazel, 2011, InTech ISBN 979-953-307-028-4.

-        A. Carradò, G. Schmerber, H. Pelletier, Structural and mechanical investigations of magnetron sputtering TiO2/Ti/TiN multilayer films on Si(100) substrate, J. Coat. Technol. Res. 2010, 7 (6) pp. 821–829.

-        A. Carradó, Structural, Microstructural, and Residual Stress Investigations of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite on Ti-6Al-4V, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2010, 2 (2), pp. 561–565.

-        A. Carradò and N. Viart, Nanocrystalline spin coated sol-gel hydroxyapatite thin films on Ti substrate: towards potential applications for implants, Solid State Sci. 12, 7, July 2010, pp. 1047-1050.

-        A. Carradò, H. Palkowski, Microstructural and mechanical investigations on Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal in multilayer system, Adv Eng. Mat. 2010, 12, 4, pp. B122-B127.

-        A. Carradó, A new methodology for the near-surface strain measurement on Pd-Ag-Sn alloy, App Surf Scie, 256, 21, 2010, pp. 6340-6344.

-        O. Sokolova, A. Carradò, H. Palkowski, Production of customized high-strength hybrid sandwich structures, Book: Creation of High-Strength Structures and Joints Edited by: H. Palkowski and K-M Rudolph, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 137 2010, pp 81-128. TTP, Ch. ISSN: 1022-6680

-        A. Carradò, O. Sokolova, G. Ziegmann and H. Palkowski, Press joining rolling process for hybrid systems, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 425, 2010, pp. 271-282, TTP, Ch.

-        Carradò, H. Pelletier, J. Faerber, G. Versini, I. N. Mihailescu, Pulsed laser deposition of thin coatings: applications on biomaterials, Materials Science Forum Vols. 638-642 2010, pp 530-535, TTP, Ch.

-        A. Carradò, M. A. Taha, N. A. El Mahallawy, Nanocrystalline γ-Al2O3 thin films produced by magnetron sputtering at low temperature J. Coat. Technol. Res.,2010, 7, 4, pp. 515–519.

-        G.Lange, A.Carradò and H.Palkowski, Tailored Sandwich Structures in the focus of research, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24:10, pp. 1150 — 1154 (2009).

-        T. Pirling, A. Carradò, S. Brück and H. Palkowski, Neutron Stress Imaging of Drawn Copper Tube: Comparison with Finite-Element Model, Metall Mat Trans A 39 (13), pp. 3149-3154, 2008 (ISSN 1073-5623).

-        A. Carradò, H. Pelletier, A. Fabre, L. Barrallier and I.N. Mihailescu, A perspective of pulsed laser deposition in surface engineering: alumina coatings and substrates, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 384 2008 pp. 185-212 (ISBN0-87849-372-7).

-        S. Grigorescu, A. Carradò, C. Ulhaq, J. Faerber, C. Ristoscu, G. Dorcioman, E.Axente, J.Werckmann, I.N.Mihailescu, Study of the gradual interface between hydroxyapatite thin films PLD grown onto Ti-controlled sublayers App Surf Sci, 254, 4, 15 December 2007, pp. 1150-1154.


Teaching activities


Teaching at Department of Physical Measurement and Department of Biology of IUT Louis Pasteur- Schiltigheim (UDS)


- Course “Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Materials”

- Course + Exercices “General Physics”

- Course “Biomaterial”

- Laboratory “Physicochemical Properties of Materials”

- Laboratory “Strength of materials and structures”

- Laboratory “Electricity”

- Laboratory “Inorganic Materials”