Dr. –habil.
Adele Carradò
IPCMS - Department of Surfaces and Interfaces (DSI)
23, rue du Loess
BP 43
Phone : (33) 3
88 10 7105
Fax : (33) 3 88
10 72 48
E-mail :
Scientific Career
Degree and Master in Physics at University of
Bologna, 1993-4
Diploma thesis in Health and Environmental
Physics at Specialization School at University of Bologna, 1997
Research Assistant at University of Ancona, 1998
European Doctor in Science - Mechanics and
Material Science - at University of Reims, 2001
Post-doc at Léon
Brillouin Laboratory, CEA Saclay,
Teaching and Research Assistant (ATER) at LM3 at
ENSAM, Paris, 2002
- Maître de Conférences in Physics, Solid State Physics - at ULP Strasbourg, 2003
- Diploma of Habilitation à diriger les recherches
(HDR) at the ULP, 2004
Invited Professor at Technische
Universität of Clausthal,
Germany at Institut für
Polymerwerkstoffe und Kunststofftechnik
and Institut für Metallurgie, Werkstoffumformung,
(3 months 2007 and 2 months 2008)
- Congés pour recherche et conversion
thématique (CRCT) at Technische
Universität of Clausthal,
Main research topics
Developing, Processing and Characterisation
of Sandwich Structures
Biomaterials: micro-structural and mechanical
study of metal-ceramic bounds
Coating elaboration: Pulsed Laser Deposition,
Magnetron sputtering, Sol-Gel and Biomimetic/autocatalytic method
Neutron and synchrotron evaluation of texture
and residual stresses in metallic bulk and multi layer system
Project coordinator
2011-2013: Partenariats
Hubert Curien, PHC– IMHOTEP (France-Egypt)
Compound coatings of Ca-phosphates and/ Titania on
metallic implants (25639NH).
2011-2013 : PHC –
PROCOPE (France-Allemagne): Interrelationship between
texture and residual stress on copper drawn and cold pilgered
precision tubes - TERESCO TUBES (25090RH).
Projets Internationaux de Coopération Scientifique, PICS,
Mécanismes interfaciaux dans des matériaux hybrides de type
sandwich métal/polymère/métal (France-Allemagne)
2010-2011: Effect of texture and residual stress on
copper seamless precision tubes by synchrotron radiation (HASYLAB project
I-20100017 EC)
2011-2012: Texture development in drawn and pilgrim
rolled precision tubes (HASYLAB project I-20110066 EC)
2009-2011: PHC – IMHOTEP Compound coatings of
Ca-phosphates and/ Titania on metallic implants
2008-2010: PHC – PROCOPE Copper alloy - Effect
of residual stresses on seamless precision tubes (17833RH).
2008-2010: PHC – PROCOPE Developing, Processing
and Characterisation of Sandwich Structures
Profs. H. Palkowski, Institut
fur Metallurgie, and G. Ziegmann,
Institut für Polymerwerkstoffe und Kunststofftechnik
(Technische Universität
Clausthal), Procope et PICS
: hybrids systems (metal/polymer/metal)
Prof. H. Palkowski (Université
de Clausthal), Dr T. Pirling
(ILL, Grenoble) Prof. I. Osika (AGH, Cracovie), Dr. R. Wimpory, (HZ,
Berlin), Procope : Neutron diffraction
Prof. Heinz-Günter Brokmeier,
Institut für Metallkunde und Metallphysik TUC
/GKSS-, D: texture by synchrotron radiation
Prof. Diego Mantovani
(Université de LAVAL, Canada), Dr. V. Stanic (State University of New York) and Prof. W. I.
Abdel-Fattah (National Research Center, Le Caire), Imhotep : hydrogel and material
Dr H. Pelletier et Dr T. Roland (INSA- LGECO) :
Alumina thin films and material biomimetic<
Conference organization
Member of International Advisory Committee of THERMEC
2011 International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED
MATERIALS Quebec City, Canada, August 1-5, 2011, http://www.thermec2011.ca/
Organizer of Symposium "Non-destructive
evaluation of strain-stress in material science" at ICM11 11th International Conference on the
Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, June 5-9 2011,
Como lake, Italy, http://www.icm11.org/
Publications last 4 years
H. Pelletier, A. Carradò, J. Faerber, and
Ion N. Mihailescu, Microstructure and mechanical characteristics of
hydroxyapatite coatings on Ti/TiN/Si substrates
synthesized by pulsed laser deposition, Applied Physics A: Materials Science
& Processing, 2011, 102, 3, pp. 629–640.
O. Sokolova, A. Carradó,
H. Palkowski, Adhesion and formability of thin steel/polymer/steel hybrid
sandwich composites, Steel Research International 2011.
A. Carradò, O. Sokolova, B. Donnio, H. Palkowski Influence of Corona Treatment on
Adhesion and Mechanical Properties in Metal/Polymer/Metal Systems, Journal of
Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 120, pp. 3709–3715.
A. Carradò, J. Faerber, S. Niemeyer, G. Ziegmann, H. Palkowski, Metal/polymer/metal hybrid systems:
Towards potential formability applications, Composite Structures, 2011, 93, pp.
A. Carradò, H. Pelletier and T. Roland Nanocrystalline Thin Ceramic Films Synthesized by Pulsed
Laser Deposition and Magnetron Sputtering on Metal Substrates for Medical
Applications, Biomedical Engineering /Book 4 Edited by: Prof. R. Fazel, 2011, InTech ISBN
A. Carradò, G. Schmerber,
H. Pelletier, Structural and mechanical investigations of magnetron sputtering
TiO2/Ti/TiN multilayer films on Si(100)
substrate, J. Coat. Technol. Res. 2010, 7 (6) pp. 821–829.
A. Carradó,
Structural, Microstructural, and Residual Stress
Investigations of Plasma-Sprayed Hydroxyapatite on Ti-6Al-4V, ACS Appl. Mater.
Interfaces, 2010, 2 (2), pp. 561–565.
A. Carradò and N. Viart,
Nanocrystalline spin coated sol-gel hydroxyapatite
thin films on Ti substrate: towards potential applications for implants, Solid
State Sci. 12, 7, July 2010, pp. 1047-1050.
A. Carradò, H. Palkowski, Microstructural and mechanical investigations on
Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal in multilayer system, Adv Eng. Mat. 2010, 12, 4, pp.
A. Carradó, A
new methodology for the near-surface strain measurement on Pd-Ag-Sn alloy, App Surf Scie, 256, 21,
2010, pp. 6340-6344.
O. Sokolova, A. Carradò, H. Palkowski,
Production of customized high-strength hybrid sandwich structures, Book:
Creation of High-Strength Structures and Joints Edited by: H. Palkowski and K-M
Rudolph, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 137 2010, pp 81-128. TTP, Ch. ISSN:
A. Carradò, O. Sokolova, G. Ziegmann and H. Palkowski, Press joining rolling process
for hybrid systems, Key Engineering Materials Vol. 425, 2010, pp. 271-282, TTP,
Carradò, H. Pelletier, J. Faerber, G. Versini, I. N. Mihailescu, Pulsed laser deposition of thin
coatings: applications on biomaterials, Materials Science Forum Vols. 638-642
2010, pp 530-535, TTP, Ch.
A. Carradò, M. A. Taha,
N. A. El Mahallawy, Nanocrystalline
γ-Al2O3 thin films produced
by magnetron sputtering at low temperature J. Coat. Technol. Res.,2010, 7, 4, pp. 515–519.
G.Lange, A.Carradò and H.Palkowski, Tailored Sandwich Structures in the focus of
research, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 24:10, pp. 1150 — 1154
T. Pirling, A.
Carradò, S. Brück and H. Palkowski,
Neutron Stress Imaging of Drawn Copper Tube: Comparison with Finite-Element
Model, Metall Mat Trans A 39 (13), pp. 3149-3154,
2008 (ISSN 1073-5623).
A. Carradò, H. Pelletier, A. Fabre, L. Barrallier and I.N. Mihailescu, A perspective of pulsed
laser deposition in surface engineering: alumina coatings and substrates, Key
Engineering Materials Vol. 384 2008 pp. 185-212 (ISBN0-87849-372-7).
S. Grigorescu, A.
Carradò, C. Ulhaq, J. Faerber, C. Ristoscu, G. Dorcioman, E.Axente, J.Werckmann, I.N.Mihailescu, Study of the gradual interface between
hydroxyapatite thin films PLD grown onto Ti-controlled sublayers
App Surf Sci, 254, 4, 15 December 2007, pp.
Teaching activities
Teaching at Department of Physical Measurement and
Department of Biology of IUT Louis Pasteur- Schiltigheim
- Course “Electronic and Magnetic Properties of
- Course + Exercices
“General Physics”
- Course “Biomaterial”
- Laboratory “Physicochemical Properties of
- Laboratory “Strength of materials and
- Laboratory “Electricity”
- Laboratory “Inorganic Materials”